Thursday, 13 August 2009
Sunday, 5 July 2009
The last task...

Woooooow my friends... this is the last task of this subject!. In my opinion, this blog was funny, I like write my ideas and my point of view about a theme determined. With this blog I killed some boring afternoons, and the task that I really enjoyed was the photography, wow, in that task I was really inspire. However, in some time I was really busy with my exams, so I had no time for to do this task, that stressed me a little.
This blog help me very much in my english, because when I did this task, I was form my own way to do the words, I created to my way the different oration, and I searched in the "Google traductor" this word that I didn't know. So, the blog was a very useful way to learn this important language.
The advantages of have a blog in the English class is that we have time for think and create long stories using all the contents, but structured as own point of view. Other important aspect is the continuity of this exercise, this is really important because it maintains always exercising our knowledge, and this blog is qualified with a big ponderation, so, this is a good opportunity for increase our califications.
So, that's all for this semester, we will not see us in the next class , so, good holidays for the best English III class in the Universidad de Chile
See you in English IV
Let`s rock!
Sunday, 28 June 2009
My ideal job

Hello my friends!!!, this week I will talk about my ideal job. I remember that in this blog I wrote about my favourite subject, the Community Psychology, so, in theory, my ideal job should be something with this area. However, in this last days I think in my future, and my vision have a dramatic turn, because I chose subject for the next semester and, the majority, are the Clinical Psychology, specifically the psychoanalysis. So, my ideal job should be a clinical consultation.
For this job, basically, I need a big knowledge about the psychoanalytic's theory, with a ample domain in psychopathologys; a critical mind for enter in the hidden thoughts of the person, always oriented to get the healing.
I think that I would be good in this area, because I really like the theory. In this blog I wrote in many times all I like about the psychoanalysis and the Freud and Lacan' s postulates. It is very exciting for me take all the theory and bring to the practice.
The principal difficult is the saturation in this area. The Clinical Psychology is where more psychology student prefer, so, the work is insufficient for the high demand. For that, I want to be a excellent student and have a good CV for have a good job.
That's all for this week
See you in class!
Let's rock!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
The school kill creativity

Hello my friends!!!... In this week I will talk about a video called "The school kill creativity". All this content in this video is right, the school kill the creativity in the children, because we are inserts in a economic context capitalist. This system don't need the creativity for exist, only the empirical knowledge, and the school is the place where this system reproduced himself. The school have a doublespeak, this means that the mission of the school not only teaches mathematics or history, the school reproduces the social differentiation, because the capitalist system is differential, where a social elite who controls to a mass laboral, because this leaves money for this elite.
So, this social elite have a power and don't want lose it, for that manipulates the educational system for maintain this control and form a new generation of elite and a new generation of laboral power. This laboral power don’t need the creativity, only need the necessary knowledge for be the base system with a medium quality education. However, the elite have a high quality education, they learn how to be leaders and is this group that goes to the University.
In conclusion, the creativity is eliminated, is not profitable. This is a pain, because the system clears the most beautiful of the kid, only for the ambition economic.
That's all for this week
Let's rock!!
Sunday, 14 June 2009
My favourite subject
Hello my friends!!!, in this time I will talk about my favourite subject in this semester. In this year, I can say that my favourite subject is Community Psychology, however this subject and the others have something that I don' t like: the group work, I'm so boring with the group work, I prefer only a test or individual work.
This subject is given by a group of teachers very intelligent and with a big sense of community, they are Rodolfo Sapiains, Germán Rozas and Rodrigo Quiroz. I like this subject, I find interesting, I don't know, I enjoy very much read the text of this subject and I try to imagine how join the theory with reality of Chile.
In this semester I learn about a Center of Family Health, located in Peñalolen and we must to do a big exposition in the corridor in the 4º floor. My group dressed of different characters of the comunity and we act a little representation of the activities of this center. It was really funny.
That's all for this week... see you in class!!!
Lets rock!!!
This subject is given by a group of teachers very intelligent and with a big sense of community, they are Rodolfo Sapiains, Germán Rozas and Rodrigo Quiroz. I like this subject, I find interesting, I don't know, I enjoy very much read the text of this subject and I try to imagine how join the theory with reality of Chile.
In this semester I learn about a Center of Family Health, located in Peñalolen and we must to do a big exposition in the corridor in the 4º floor. My group dressed of different characters of the comunity and we act a little representation of the activities of this center. It was really funny.
That's all for this week... see you in class!!!
Lets rock!!!
Friday, 5 June 2009
My Future...

Hello my friends!!!, in this time I will talk about my future, what I will do in five years??
I think that in five years in the future I will finish my career and I will working in the area psychological that I decide follow in this semester. Whit my money I will buy a department for live and, in many years after, I will have my own house for me and my family.
I will live in Santiago, because here is the most of work, but I want to have a house in the beach, in Ventana or Viña del Mar for the summertime and a house in the south of Chile, in Chiloe or Valdivia for the wintertime. My idea is have many houses in differents places for I have a nomad life.
I want for my future a nomad life, I will work in a place for a few years, after I will change my work for other in other place very distant, even in other countries, I will progress in this idiom, the english, and I will begin to learn other languages like the german or french. I will work and I will travel, I want to see many landscapes and to be with my family. That is my ideal future, to work and to travel, I will make each day something fabulous and share with the people who I love.
That's all for this week... see you in class!!!
Lets rock!!!
Friday, 29 May 2009
The best of my area

Hello my friends, in this time I will write about a person who, I think, is the best in the Psychology, especially in all themes of the Psychoanalysis. His name is Jacques Lacan.
Lacan was born in Paris in 1901. He studied medicine and between 1927 and 1931 he got the psychiatry’s title. He is a very famous psychoanalyst and his work brings back again all Freud’s importance, because some post freudanian authors changed the course of the original line. However, Lacan returns to the original Freud’s approach with linguistics elements. He dies in 1981.
I like the Lacan's idea, because he has a big capacity of abstraction and analysis of the human development, but he used a form totally opposite to the behaviourism of Skinner and Watson. Lacan took all the psychoanalyst and he gave a structure, a way innovative of understanding that Freud could not give.
My dissertation, in this subject, was based in one of his postulates, The Mirror Phase, when the child enter to the imaginary registry. The last year, in English II, I talked about Lacan too, but other theme: the Edipus Complex, basically, in this complex, Lacan explained how the child abandon the imaginary registry and he enter to the simbolic registry, the culture. However, the Lacan's work is very broad and very difficult for understand, but that does more interesting.
In internet, specifically, in YouTube, I found some videos about Lacan, when he taught in different universities, unfortunately I don't understand what he said because this videos are very short, only a few seconds. This are the videos:
That's all for this week... see you in class!!!
Lets rock!!!
Saturday, 2 May 2009
My career

Hello my friends!! This fall's week I will talk about my career: Psychology. I finished the school in the year 2001, and I didn't know what to do with my life, so I began a pre-university and I entered to other career: Medical Technology in the Universidad de Chile, but I didn`t like it because the tratment with the patients was very impersonal, I really wanted something more personal, I wanted to arrive to the most deep of the human mind. I didn't want to heal the superficial, I wanted, and I want it now, know all about the human mind. Thats way I changed my old career for psychology in 2007 and I feel very happy to be here.
My career contributes to the society depending to the area that I select, the spectrum of the contributions is very big, since the support to the kids in the school, selection of company's staff, how to organize the neighbors reunion, help in medical psychopathologys and like a new area: the support in the judicial area .
I think that all psychologist need a strong vision of the "Common good" of people, a big analytical capacity, a huge patience because a professional never finish to study and to progress and, of course, see the human being like a person, like an individual, like a man or woman and don't like a number or client.
My favourite subject is the psychoanalysis, I really like all the unconscious theme with autors like the famous Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, because the unconscious can not be seen, so I can do work my mind in something that I can not see or touch, like the great appointment of "The little prince" of the writer Saint-Exupéry "The essential is invisible to the eyes".
Thats all for this week... see you in class.
Lets rock!!!
Saturday, 25 April 2009
My favourite picture

Hello my friends!!
This week I will show you my favourite photography. This dark picture was taken in winter 2006, in a cold afternoon in the Hill Santa Lucia.
On that day, I don't remember the exact date, I was very bored in my house, so I took the camera and I went to the center of Santiago to different squares like San Borja, Plaza de Armas, and, of course, the Hill Santa Lucia and there was where I took the picture.
I like this photography very much, the loneliness that it expresses, the wind that moved the tree and the low light increased for the flash of my camera create a scary effect.
That day, I remember, it was very cold and the night was very dark, I moved up to the top of the hill and I saw all the center of Santiago, I tried to take photographys of the panoramic, but my camera couldn' t take it because there wasn't enought light, so the pictures was horrible.
Well my friends, that's all for now.
Good bye !!!
Let's rock!!!
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Everything in only one click
Hello my friends. In this time I will show you the website that I use more in my career: The Moodle of my Faculty.
In this web site, the teacher uploads all, or most, of the notes and text for my class, so I download these files and in my house or in the university I print them and I read them. In this web site, the teachers upload the marcs of my test, the instruction about the tasks that I have to do and the schedule of my subjects. I found this website from the same teacher at the begining of the academic year.
For the importance of the files in this website, I check at least a four time in the week for see if the teachers upload something new, but the website don`t update in very much days.
And this site, I use this site because it is useful, it is more organized in the list of text that I have to read. However, I don't like needing a password and a username, because information is restricted and not free.
That's all for this week.
see you soon!!
Let's rock!
Saturday, 11 April 2009
The best piece of technology in the word
This is my old TV remote control. In this life can not miss a good love, the friends, a good beer and, of course, the TV remote control. This is the second remote control that I have it, the other one, simply died, since the night to the morning it left to functionate. This "new" TV remote control I have it since, approximately, the year 2004. This instrument is very useful, I use for change the channel, up or down the volume, but, especially, for programme the clock, the alarm for awakening in the morning, for this reason, I used the TV remote control every day. With out this instrument, the first day will be uncomfortableness, because is not funny be in the bed and get up for change the channel or put out the TV or only wake up with the radio alarm.
This is my old TV remote control. In this life can not miss a good love, the friends, a good beer and, of course, the TV remote control. This is the second remote control that I have it, the other one, simply died, since the night to the morning it left to functionate. This "new" TV remote control I have it since, approximately, the year 2004. This instrument is very useful, I use for change the channel, up or down the volume, but, especially, for programme the clock, the alarm for awakening in the morning, for this reason, I used the TV remote control every day. With out this instrument, the first day will be uncomfortableness, because is not funny be in the bed and get up for change the channel or put out the TV or only wake up with the radio alarm.
That's all for this week
see you soon!!
Let`s Rock!
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Me, me, me ... and me too.
Hello my friends, my name is Jorge Fischer, I'm 24 years old and I am psychology stundent in the University of Chile. I live in Santiago with my family and I like the music, the clasical rock, however I don't know how touch any musical instrument.
This semester I want to learn more about this language so important for my career, the grammar and pronounce because this always make dificult to me, overcoat the order of the words in the sentence.
I hope to learn and I hope to fun in this class using this blog.
Let's rock!!
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