Friday, 29 May 2009

The best of my area

Hello my friends, in this time I will write about a person who, I think, is the best in the Psychology, especially in all themes of the Psychoanalysis. His name is Jacques Lacan.

Lacan was born in Paris in 1901. He studied medicine and between 1927 and 1931 he got the psychiatry’s title. He is a very famous psychoanalyst and his work brings back again all Freud’s importance, because some post freudanian authors changed the course of the original line. However, Lacan returns to the original Freud’s approach with linguistics elements. He dies in 1981.

I like the Lacan's idea, because he has a big capacity of abstraction and analysis of the human development, but he used a form totally opposite to the behaviourism of Skinner and Watson. Lacan took all the psychoanalyst and he gave a structure, a way innovative of understanding that Freud could not give.

My dissertation, in this subject, was based in one of his postulates, The Mirror Phase, when the child enter to the imaginary registry. The last year, in English II, I talked about Lacan too, but other theme: the Edipus Complex, basically, in this complex, Lacan explained how the child abandon the imaginary registry and he enter to the simbolic registry, the culture. However, the Lacan's work is very broad and very difficult for understand, but that does more interesting.
In internet, specifically, in YouTube, I found some videos about Lacan, when he taught in different universities, unfortunately I don't understand what he said because this videos are very short, only a few seconds. This are the videos:

That's all for this week... see you in class!!!

Lets rock!!!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

My career

Hello my friends!! This fall's week I will talk about my career: Psychology. I finished the school in the year 2001, and I didn't know what to do with my life, so I began a pre-university and I entered to other career: Medical Technology in the Universidad de Chile, but I didn`t like it because the tratment with the patients was very impersonal, I really wanted something more personal, I wanted to arrive to the most deep of the human mind. I didn't want to heal the superficial, I wanted, and I want it now, know all about the human mind. Thats way I changed my old career for psychology in 2007 and I feel very happy to be here.
My career contributes to the society depending to the area that I select, the spectrum of the contributions is very big, since the support to the kids in the school, selection of company's staff, how to organize the neighbors reunion, help in medical psychopathologys and like a new area: the support in the judicial area .
I think that all psychologist need a strong vision of the "Common good" of people, a big analytical capacity, a huge patience because a professional never finish to study and to progress and, of course, see the human being like a person, like an individual, like a man or woman and don't like a number or client.
My favourite subject is the psychoanalysis, I really like all the unconscious theme with autors like the famous Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, because the unconscious can not be seen, so I can do work my mind in something that I can not see or touch, like the great appointment of "The little prince" of the writer Saint-Exupéry "The essential is invisible to the eyes".
Thats all for this week... see you in class.
Lets rock!!!