Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about an ecological topic.
Well, in this time I think that the people, the kids learn about the environmentally practices in the school. In my case I had some subjetc in my school when I was in 7º or 8º grade. In that moment, only we had to do a work about Greenpeace and speak it to my classmate. But only that. I think that the topic about the ecological behavior, must be in all the school system, like a unit in Understanding ot the Environment.
However, I have not a great recycling habits. In fact, my bedroom is a complet disaster, its posible found dinosaur fossils. I have not recycling habits, if one thing is unusable, I only put it in the garbage. I don't worry for try to use it again. Maybe, one or two times in the year, my family puts in special garbage dump all the glass bottle, the plastic bottle and the paper.
I have not car and I have not bike too. In other post I wrote that I like walk very much, but only if for a recreational time. When I go to the University or any place, I take the public bus. So, I think that this way of public transportation can help to have a cleaner environmet.
I never in my life have support to eco-organization, because. Only when I had to do that work in 7º grade, I bought some of the poster that they offered. Really, I have not money or, in this moment, time for support them. Well, I have to accept that I don't have enough motivation for do it.
Well, for this moment I will keep the basic environmet behavior: put the unusable in the garbage. However, I would like that, in a world level, the laws of the environmentally practices will be apply for all the big company, specially for the U.S.A companys who does not in the Tokio's Deal.
Our society have not a good education in this topic. The kids have not a real interest because the school doesn't give a real motivation. For this reasons, the people will follow throw the garbage in the street, or throw the papers from the bus to the street and other disgusting behavior. All because they hasn't a a good education about ecology.
Well, that is all for now
See you in the next week.