Wednesday, 3 November 2010

9. Money

Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about money. When I saw the tittle of this matter, it was inevitable to think in the classical song of Pink Floyd, "Money" and the excellent introduction in bass.
I can not deny it, I would like to have money. Because it is necessary, so simple like that. It is a necessary evil, because nothing in this world is free, even the dead is not free, a person must pay for the burial and the maintenance in the cemetery.
So, if I had money, the first thing that I would do is to travel around the world. I would like to visit Europe, especially the great capitals like London, Paris, Berlin or visit great artistic monument like Stonehenge or the Sixtina Chapel.
Money in these days has become the new god in this society. People can die to get more and more money. I think, in a freudian perspective, that money is like a complement for the absence or the lack of something, so people try to feel more full, more complete and they use the money and the things that they can buy for these reasons.
In my case, well, I think that I'm good at managing my budget. Because I save my money, I have not a great party life, so I do not invest a lot of money in this. Only the necessary, like the BIP card, or to buy lunch in the University and buy the photocopy for my texts.
I can not pawn anything of my belongings. Not, I really can not. I would look for another job or I don't know. Because I am very careful with my stuffs. So, the possibility of pawn my belongings would be the finally idea, when I have not other possibility.
So, that is all for now. See you in class.

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