Wednesday, 17 November 2010

10. Chile 2010

This year, my country's 200 years of "independence". This is a big mistake. We are not independent; we think that we are free because that is the big plan for all of us. We are free in our invisible jail, a jail that we can not touch or see. We born in this prison and the school teaches us the way to stay in this state of trance and alienation of our freedom, show us a false illusion.

This year, in September I went to the celebration in the Moneda’s Palace, the great party of light, very beautiful, but in that moment I saw a sentence in the wall of the Palace: “1810-2010: 2 centuries of revolution”. Revolution? – I thought – Revolution of what? In 1810, the First Meeting of the Government was for support to the Spanish King, who was Napoleon’s prisoner. This is not a revolution, in France, this is a real revolution, the people took the power and the king was murder. Chile did the opposite in this meeting. So, in strict words, all of us and all the generations has being celebrate a nonexistent ceremony: in 1810, Chile did not win the independence.

In the century XX, the independence was only a bureaucratic try, only a position in the map. Because Chile was conquered not for the arms, it was for the money. Yes, the money, we was conquered for the businessman from England or U.S.A. The north of Chile, the mines of saltpeter or copper it belonged to foreign man, who didn’t put attention to the minimal protection for the workers, this fact was very obvious in the last great accident with the 33 miners. The south of Chile, it belongs in the present for the great magnate Douglas Tompkins and, again, to a few very rich people who wants to build the horrible project of Pascua Lama.

In the year 1960, 1985 and now in 2010, we can see that we have not independence for the nature. In these years and in many others, the great earthquakes destroyed all the cities with very much people injured and die. We have not control over the earth that we step.

The other great fact, 1973. This year can show us that we has not a real freedom in the way of think. For the first time a communist president was elected for manage the country, if this government was good or bad, I do not care, my point is that it was people who elected to Allende. But, in this years, the Cold War between USA and the URSS, it was obvious that the Nixon’s government did not other Cuba in South America, so he used to the CIA and the great puppet, Augusto Pinochet.

So, in conclusions, we are independent? No. The only way for be real independent is if we leave the idea that the school has show us, in other words, if we are independent of the government’s idea of independence. We can construct a real independence if only we can free the mind of the people, the child and show them that the real freedom consist in the free way of think, not the thinking that appears on TV or in the newspaper, the free way of think in our own mind.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

9. Money

Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about money. When I saw the tittle of this matter, it was inevitable to think in the classical song of Pink Floyd, "Money" and the excellent introduction in bass.
I can not deny it, I would like to have money. Because it is necessary, so simple like that. It is a necessary evil, because nothing in this world is free, even the dead is not free, a person must pay for the burial and the maintenance in the cemetery.
So, if I had money, the first thing that I would do is to travel around the world. I would like to visit Europe, especially the great capitals like London, Paris, Berlin or visit great artistic monument like Stonehenge or the Sixtina Chapel.
Money in these days has become the new god in this society. People can die to get more and more money. I think, in a freudian perspective, that money is like a complement for the absence or the lack of something, so people try to feel more full, more complete and they use the money and the things that they can buy for these reasons.
In my case, well, I think that I'm good at managing my budget. Because I save my money, I have not a great party life, so I do not invest a lot of money in this. Only the necessary, like the BIP card, or to buy lunch in the University and buy the photocopy for my texts.
I can not pawn anything of my belongings. Not, I really can not. I would look for another job or I don't know. Because I am very careful with my stuffs. So, the possibility of pawn my belongings would be the finally idea, when I have not other possibility.
So, that is all for now. See you in class.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

8. How green are you?

Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about an ecological topic.

Well, in this time I think that the people, the kids learn about the environmentally practices in the school. In my case I had some subjetc in my school when I was in 7º or 8º grade. In that moment, only we had to do a work about Greenpeace and speak it to my classmate. But only that. I think that the topic about the ecological behavior, must be in all the school system, like a unit in Understanding ot the Environment.

However, I have not a great recycling habits. In fact, my bedroom is a complet disaster, its posible found dinosaur fossils. I have not recycling habits, if one thing is unusable, I only put it in the garbage. I don't worry for try to use it again. Maybe, one or two times in the year, my family puts in special garbage dump all the glass bottle, the plastic bottle and the paper.

I have not car and I have not bike too. In other post I wrote that I like walk very much, but only if for a recreational time. When I go to the University or any place, I take the public bus. So, I think that this way of public transportation can help to have a cleaner environmet.

I never in my life have support to eco-organization, because. Only when I had to do that work in 7º grade, I bought some of the poster that they offered. Really, I have not money or, in this moment, time for support them. Well, I have to accept that I don't have enough motivation for do it.

Well, for this moment I will keep the basic environmet behavior: put the unusable in the garbage. However, I would like that, in a world level, the laws of the environmentally practices will be apply for all the big company, specially for the U.S.A companys who does not in the Tokio's Deal.

Our society have not a good education in this topic. The kids have not a real interest because the school doesn't give a real motivation. For this reasons, the people will follow throw the garbage in the street, or throw the papers from the bus to the street and other disgusting behavior. All because they hasn't a a good education about ecology.

Well, that is all for now

See you in the next week.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

7. Education

Hello my friends. in this time I will talk about the education in these years in this University.

Well, when I started the University, I had an incipient idea of the science. The world was dominated for the science laws. But this subject, this idea was abruptly broken by my teachers. They showed me a new view, a new point of view about the science and the no-science. For example: "A psychologist visits a factory to make a study in the workers, in the speed of productions. He does a study, for example, he proposes to put a ventilator and he deduces: "In this factory, the production increases for the good ventilation in this place"", so, It was the ventilator?, or maybe It was the presence of the psychologist?. In this point the "truth" is relative, the science can not give only one answer for a situation. That is one of the more important things that I learned in these years, from my teacher.

In the technology, I am a real prehistoric man. Only yesterday a friend lent me her IPhone or Ipad, I didn`t know, but I could not use it because I didn't know how to do it. My mobile phone doesn't have anything unusual, only the text message and one or two games and the camera, It doesn't have music or internet, only the necessary.

Certainly, the life in the University will mark my life in the future. In these years I have learn things that I couldn`t have thought about. So in my future, I have some tools to think in a more abstract form and I will not be caught for what only my eyes see.

My ideas in the future of the edutation:

- The education must be focused on the individual: In this time, the education has been a reproduction model of the economic system. The children are trained in getting a good work or to be a productive man for the society, but in the majority of the schools don't worry for the real problems of the children.

- A good education must have a good feeding: It is like a joke in the news when they say that in the school X , the breakfast are contaminated, or the milk is rancid. This is a real problem that the authorities must fix it.

- A good education must have a good establishment: After the earthquake, every school was destroyed, but that nobody knew because this event is past and the television only shows Yingo or Peloton or this garbage. The true is there so many schools are in ruins, the Education Ministry must guarantee to construct new building.

Finally, the person is the only responsible for his/her education. Because a person must be auto-didacts, they must have a critique attitude and no resign with the life give it, we must always try to get more, in all the aspects in this life, not only in the education.

Well, that's all for now

See you in class.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

6. Summary from "The Guardian"

Hello my friends, in this day I will talk about a resume, a new related with my career from the web This new is called: How to complete psychometric test.

The psychometric test are used by 70% of the largest companies in the UK. The conclusions drawns by the psychologist that mark them will determine wheter you make it past application stage.

This test try to capture the long-term personality, rather than the short-term charm that turns up at interview .

- Know yourself, be yourself: If you lie on a personality questionnaire you will only be caught out at interview. You could end up in the wrong job.

- Beware the lie scale: Scattered among personality questionnaires are trap questions suck is "If you say you'll do something do you always keep your promise"

- Don't sit on the fence: When taking a personality test don`t tick the "don`t know" option more than five times.

- Demand feedback: "Your results belong to you"

- Do your homework: The arithmetic required by numeracy tests is around GCSE level, but is probably that you've forgotten how to manipulate fractions and percentages.

Well, this news is only a part of my career, the psychometric test, but the test in the new are cognitive-behavioral. In my career, we studied other kind of tests, like Rorschach or Zulliger.

That`s all for now

See you in class

Monday, 11 October 2010

5. My favorite movie

Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about my favorite movie.

My favorite movie is not a modern film, it was created in 1954. Of course, this film is in white and black. Its name is "The seven Samurais", created by Akira Kurosawa.

In this movie, the principal actors are, the seven samurais: Toshiro Mifune, Isao Kimura, Yoshio Inaba, Takashi Shimura, Minoru Chiaki, Seiji Miyaguchi and Daisuke Kato.

Well, this movie is about a japanese village, very poor, that it will be attack by a group of thief. They want steal the crop and kill the people who put resistance. So, the older man in the village says that a group of men must go to the city and contract some samurais, because they are the best fighters in the country. However, they haven't money, they will try to pay with rice. So they go to the city and ask to the samurais in the street if they want work for them only for rice, however a lot of fighters feel that the pay is very miserable, so they say "no". The village people feel desperation, they haven't time, until they meet to Kanbei (Takashi Shimura), a samurai who agree the work, and he begin to form a group. One of the seven is the more particular, Kikuchiyo (Toshiro Mifune), he is not a samurai, he is only a farmer who wants to be a samurai, he is easily angered and his character is all the opposite to a samurai.

One time that the group is complete, they go to the village. First they are not welcome, because the farmer have fear of them, but with the time, the samurais and the farmers create a very good and vital relationship. The samurais train to the farmer with sword, arch and arrow and lances. Finally, the group of thief attack the village, they think that it will be easy, but they find to the people very organized. This is the best part of the movie, the battle in the village, thief versus the samurais and the farmers, but I will not say more, the people have to watch this movie.

Wow, Akira Kurosawa and this movie was the inspiration for George Lucas and Star Wars and for Clint Eastwood and his cowboys movies. For this reason I would not change nothing in this movie.

That's all for now, I leave the trailer

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

4. A piece of news

Hello my friends, in this time I will talk about a relevant news that happened in this week.
In this time I will write about the terrible murder of a young men by a hired assassin and a woman, I think that she have a several psychiatric disorder. The women called María del Pilar hired José Ruz for kill to Diego Schmith-Hebbel, the son of a well family. The tragedy happened in November's 2008 in Providencia.
In this case, I am surprise for all the plan, this was something calculated, this wasn't a ordinary murder, María del Pilar or "Quintrala" hired to killer for murder to somebody, this is terrify. And when she was catch, she didn't show a remorse sign, her face hasn't any expression. By the other hand, the hired assassin, José Ruz, he, almoust, has a sad expression, maybe it was scare.
The victim's family was very affected. His parents have a terrible depression. The mother, Mrs. Niehaus, cry during the judgment and she said that "A piece that herself die that night"; the father, Mr. Schmith-Hebbel, only want justice for his son. However, the most affected on this tragedy, is the girlfriend, she was witness of this murder.
This case is very important, for the family in particular, and for the Chilean Justice in general. If the judge say a minimal punishment, the people will not trust in the justice system. This is very critical because it exist the posibility that the people take the justice into his own hands.
Other new, a new that I would like hear on the radio is the control by the SERNAC to all the musical recital in Chile. The last summer came to this country Metallica, but I did not go because the expensive tiket. I researched in internet and I saw that the tiket for the same concert, the same position on the stadium in Chile, was the double that Argentina and the tripled that Perú. That is unfair, so I would like to hear that SERNAC or other institution can control the price of the tikets.
That`s all for now.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

3. What to do/ Where to go in Santiago

Santiago, Santiago, I love this city.

Well, if I have show a tourist the beautiful places in this city, I will begin for the Santiago center with my top 5 places to go:

- Santa Lucia Hill: This place with a very beautiful colonial architecture, it was created by Benjamin Vicuña Mackena. The most amazing sculture is the water fountain with a big statue. This statue represents the sea god, Poseidon. On the top of the hill, we can see a beautifil view of Santiago, we can see the San Cristobal Hill, the Central House of the Universidad Catolica and the principal way, Alameda Ave.

- Plaza de Armas: This place was for a long time the kilometer 0 of the city. This place was founded when the first spanish arrived this place in the XVI century. This square is surrounded for the great Cathedral, the Portal Fernandez Concha, the Central Post Office, the Santiago' s Municipality and the National Historic Museum.

- Parque O'Higgins: This is the perfect place for a long walk, sorround for beautiful trees. This place is special for to do a big barbecued because it have very much grills, special for have a great time with the family.

- Central Market: This place is special for tourist who loved the great and the good food. This centenary place was build in the half of the XIX century and the great gastronomic speciality are all the food with shellfish. Near this place are other tipical restaurant, La Piojera, and they are famous for the traditional drink called "Terremoto".

- San Cristobal Hill: This great hill is bigger than Santa Lucia Hill. In this place we can see the perfect combination between nature and the city. This hill have a great zoo full of beautifuls animals like monkeys, tigers, penguins. It have a little japanese garden, very calm. On the top of the hill is the big statue, the Virgen Marie and we can see a great view of this city.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

1. First Term: Good and bad points

Wow, very long time that I wasn't write in this blog...

All right, the first half of 2010 was difficult in my academic life. Firs I took six class, the normal is only five. So, I was really stressed, but I finished all very well. My tendence was the health class, in the psychologic line, I read many authors Psychoanalist and Health's Psychology; in the laboral class I studied the way to do a laboral diagnostic in a bussines, I remember that we studied the Barros Luco Hospital, that was really funny. However, the most interesting class was Trauma Psycho-social, that was great, all the history about the Chilean military time between 1973 to 1989, and we knew the mystery of the families who lost their member in that horrible time; we went to Villa Grimaldi, a concentration camp and we knew the history of the things that happened in that place, it was really amaizng.

However, the first term of this year was very difficult because of health problems. Almoust two month I was very sick, I did not come to the University and I visited to different doctors. I was very weak. The most unfortunate was that in this period of the year it was my birthday, but I didn't celebrate, I was on a very strict diet, only light food and water. The beer, parties, natural juices, Coca Cola and the food with fat or colesterol were forbbiden.

But now, I am not sick anymore. I have a lot of energy for this second half of the year with new subject in the University, including a sport class.

That`s all for now.

See you!

Second turn 2010